


Dynel, M. 2018. Irony, Deception and Humour: Seeking the Truth about Overt and Covert Untruthfulness. Mouton Series in Pragmatics. Mouton de Gruyter. Book info


Dynel, M. 2009. Humorous Garden-Paths: A Pragmatic-Cognitive Study. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Edited books and Special Issues


Dynel, M. & Jan Chovanec. 2021. Creating and sharing public humour across traditional and new media. Journal of Pragmatics 95. Journal site


Dynel, M. 2018. Issues in humour cognition. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16(1). Journal site


Dynel, M. & Valeria Sinkeviciute. 2017. Conversational humour: Spotlight on languages and cultures. Language & Communication 55. Journal site


Dynel, M. 2017. Linguistics of humour: New research topics and  theoretical perspectives. Lingua 197. Journal site


Cap, P. & M. Dynel. 2017. Implicitness: From Lexis to Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Book info


Dynel, M. 2016. New theoretical insights into untruthfulness. Pragmatics & Cognition 23 (1). Journal site


Meibauer, Jörg &  M. Dynel. 2016. Empirical approaches to lying and deception. International Review of Pragmatics 8 (3). Journal site


Dynel, M., Alexander Brock & Henri de Jongste. 2016. Humorous Intent in Interactions. Journal of Pragmatics 95.  Journal site


Dynel, M. & Jan Chovanec. 2015. Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Book info


Dynel, M. 2014. Special Issue on the Linguistics of Humorous Irony. HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 27(4). Journal site


Dynel, M. 2013. Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory. Topics in Humor Research, Vol. 1. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Book info


Dynel, M. 2011. The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, Vol. 210. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Book info


Dynel, M. 2009. Advances in Discourse Approaches. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Book info


Dynel, M. 2008. Special Issue on Humour: Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4.1. Journal site


Articles in journals and edited volumes


Dynel, M. 2024. Say what you want: Evaluation and engagement with YouTube broadcasts on ChatGPT. Journalism. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2024. “Do we know whether to laugh or cry? User responses to @Ukraine’s dark-humour meme.” Journal of Creative Communications. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2024. “Impoliteness on social media.” The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Carol A. Chapelle (ed). DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1445.pub2


Dynel, M. 2024. “The pragmatics of sharing memes on Twitter. Journal of Pragmatics 220: 100-115. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2023. Irony and humor.Gibbs, Jr RW, Colston HL (eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Irony and Thought. Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 237-254. doi:10.1017/9781108974004.019


Dynel, M. 2023. “Lessons in linguistics with ChatGPT: Metapragmatics, metacommunication, metadiscourse and metalanguage in human-AI interactions.” Language & Communication 97: 107-124. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2023. Hashtag swearing: Pragmatic polysemy and polyfunctionality of #FuckPutin as solidary flaming.” Journal of Pragmatics 209: 108-122. Open Access


Dynel, M. & Michele Zappavigna. 2023. Enacting polyvocal scorn in #CovidConspiracy tweets: The orchestration of voices in humorous responses to COVID-19 conspiracy theories.” Discourse, Context & Media 52: 100670. Free Access


Dynel, M. & Fabio I.M. Poppi. 2023. Fidelis ad mortem: Multimodal discourses and ideologies in Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter (non-)humorous memes.” Information, Communication & Society 26(4): 847-873. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2022. #HaStatoPutin affinity space: From political work to autotelic humor.” Social Media + Society 8 (4) 2022. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2022. The life of COVID-19 mask memes: A diachronic study of the pandemic memescape. [La vida de los memes de mascarillas del COVID-19: Un estudio diacrónico del panorama memético durante la pandemia]” Comunicar 72: 73-84.


Dynel, M. 2022. Memefying deception and deceptive memefication: Multimodal deception on social media.” From Lying to Perjury. Linguistic and Legal Perspectives on Lies and Other Falsehoods. Edited by: Laurence R. Horn. De Gruyter, 137-159.


Dynel, M. & Andrew S. Ross. 2022. Metarecipient parents’ #Bluey tweets as a distributed fandom affinity space.” Poetics 92: 101648. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2021. Humour and (mock) aggression: Distinguishing cyberbullying from roasting.” Language & Communication 81: 17-36. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2021. Desperately seeking intentions: Genuine and jocular insults on social media.” Journal of Pragmatics 179: 26-36. Open Access


Dynel, M. & Andrew S. Ross. 2021. You don’t fool Me: On scams, scambaiting, deception, and epistemological ambiguity at r/scambait on Reddit.” Social Media + Society 7(3): 1-14. Open Access


Dynel, M. & Jan Chovanec. 2021. Creating and sharing public humour across traditional and new media.” Journal of Pragmatics 177: 151-156. Free Access


Dynel, M. 2021. COVID-19 memes going viral: On the multiple multimodal voices behind face masks.” Discourse & Society 32(2): 175-195. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2021. When both utterances and appearances are deceptive: Deception in multimodal film narrative.” Macagno F., Capone A. (eds). Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, vol 28. Springer, 205-252. Open Access


Poppi, Fabio I. M. & M. Dynel. 2021. Ad libidinem: Forms of female sexualisation in RoastMe humour.” Sexualities 24(3): 431-455. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2021. Lying and beyond.” Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed). The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge University Press.


Dynel, M.  & Fabio I. M. Poppi. 2021. Caveat emptor: Boycott through digital humour on the wave of the 2019 Hong Kong protests.” Information, Communication & Society 24 (15), 2323-2341. Open Access


Dynel, M. & Valeria Sinkeviciute. 2021. Conversational humour.” Michael Haugh, Dániel Z. Kádár, Marina Terkourafi (eds). Handbook of Sociopragmatics. Cambridge University Press.


Dynel, M. 2020. Laughter through tears: Unprofessional review comments as humor on the ShitMyReviewersSay Twitter account.” Intercultural Pragmatics 17(5): 513-544. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2020. Vigilante disparaging humour at r/IncelTears: Humour as critique of incel ideology.” Language & Communication 74: 1-14. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2020. On being roasted, toasted and burned: (Meta)pragmatics of Wendy’s Twitter humour.” Journal of Pragmatics 166: 1-14. Open Access


Dynel, M. & Fabio I. M. Poppi. 2020. Arcana imperii: The power of humorous retorts to insults on Twitter.” Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 8(1): 57-87. Open Access


Dynel, M. & Thomas Messerli. 2020. On a cross-cultural memescape: Switzerland through nation memes from within and from the outside.” Contrastive Pragmatics 1(2): 210-241. Open Access


Dynel, M. & Fabio I. M. Poppi. 2020. Quid rides: Targets and referents of RoastMe insults.” HUMOR: International Journal of Humour Research 33(4): 535-562. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2020. To say the least: On deceptively withholding information.” TopiCS in Cognitive Science 12 (2): 555-582. Open Access

Dynel, M. 2019. Ironic intentions in action and interaction.” Language Sciences 75: 1-14.


Dynel, M. & Fabio I. M. Poppi. 2019. Risum teneatis, amici?: The socio-pragmatics of RoastMe humour.” Journal of Pragmatics 139: 1-21. Open Access


Dynel, M. 2018. Deception on the Orient Express.” Explorations in Language and Linguistics. Ł. Bogucki & P. Cap (eds). Berlin: Peter Lang, 215-241.


Dynel, M. & Fabio I. M. Poppi. 2018. “In tragoedia risus: Analysis of dark humour in post-terrorist attack discourse.” Discourse & Communication 12(4):  382–400. 


Dynel, M. 2018. “Theoretically on Mock Politeness in English and Italian.” Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 6(1): 149-165. 


Klimczak, Karol & M. Dynel. 2018. “Evaluation mitigators in analyst reports in light of market response to stock recommendations.” International Journal of Business Communication 55 (3): 310-317.


Dynel, M. 2018. “Taking cognisance of cognitive linguistic research on humour.” Review of Cognitive Linguistics 16(1): 1-18. 


Dynel, M. 2018. Lying and humour.” Jörg Meibauer (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Lying. Oxford: Oxford University Press 326-339.


Dynel, M. 2018. Deconstructing the myth of positively evaluative irony.” Manuel Jobert, Sandrine Sorlin (eds). The Pragmatics of Irony and Banter. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 41-57. 


Dynel, M. 2018. “No child’s play: A philosophical pragmatic view of overt pretence as a vehicle for conversational humour.” Villy Tsakona, Jan Chovanec (eds). The Dynamics of Interactional Humour: Creating and Negotiating Humour in Everyday Encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 205-228. 


Dynel, M. 2017. But seriously: On conversational humour and (un)truthfulness.” Lingua 197: 83–102.


Dynel, M. 2017. “Introduction: On the linguistics of humour theoretically.” Lingua 197: 1-4.


Dynel, M. 2017. Is there a tumour in your humour? On misunderstanding and miscommunication in conversational humour.” Rachel Giora, Michael Haugh (eds). Doing Intercultural Pragmatics: Cognitive, Linguistic and Sociopragmatic Perspectives on Language Use. Doing Pragmatics Interculturally. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 55-78. 


Dynel, M. 2017. “Participation as audience design.” Christian R. Hoffmann, Wolfram Bublitz (eds). Pragmatics of Social Media. Mouton de Gruyter Handbooks of Pragmatics, Volume 11. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 61-82. 


Dynel, M. 2017. “Impoliteness and telecinematic discourse.” Miriam A. Locher. Andreas H. Jucker (eds). Pragmatics of Fiction. Mouton de Gruyter Handbooks of Pragmatics, Volume 12.  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 455-487. 


Dynel, M. 2017. Academics vs. American scriptwriters vs. Academics: A battle over the etic and emic ‘sarcasm’ and ‘irony’ labels.” Language & Communication 55: 69–87.


Sinkeviciute, Valeria & M. Dynel. 2017. Approaching conversational humour culturally: A survey of the emerging area of investigation.” Language & Communication 55: 1-9.


Dynel, M. 2017. The irony of irony: Irony based on truthfulness.” Corpus Pragmatics 1: 3.


Dynel, M. 2017. Implicitness via overt untruthfulness: Grice on Quality-based figures of speech.” Piotr Cap, Marta Dynel (eds). Implicitness: From Lexis to Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 121-145.


Dynel, M & P. Cap. 2017. Implicitness: Familiar terra incognita in pragmatics.” Piotr Cap, Marta Dynel (eds). Implicitness: From Lexis to Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-12.


Dynel, M. 2016. Two layers of overt untruthfulness: When irony meets metaphor, hyperbole, or meiosis.” Pragmatics & Cognition 23: 2: 259-283.


Dynel, M. 2016. ‘Trolling is not stupid’: Internet trolling as the art of deception serving entertainment.” Intercultural Pragmatics 13: 353-381.


Dynel. M. 2016. Killing two birds with one deceit: Deception in multi-party interactions.” International Review of Pragmatics 8: 179-218. 


Dynel, M. & Jörg Meibauer. 2016. Everything you always wanted to know about the pragmatics of deception but were afraid to test.” International Review of Pragmatics 8: 163-178.


Dynel, M. 2016. On untruthfulness, its adversaries and strange bedfellows.” Pragmatics & Cognition 23 (1): 1-15.


Dynel, M. 2016. Comparing and combining covert and overt untruthfulness: On lying, deception, irony and metaphor.” Pragmatics & Cognition 23 (1): 174-208. 


Dynel, M. 2016. With or without intentions: Accountability and (un)intentional humour in film talk.” Journal of Pragmatics 95: 67-98.


Dynel, M., Alexander Brock and Henri de Jongste. 2016. A burgeoning field of research: Humorous intent in interaction.” Journal of Pragmatics 95: 51-57.


Dynel, M. 2016. Conceptualising conversational humour as (im)politeness: The case of film talk.” Journal of Politeness Research 12(1): 117-147.


Dynel, M. 2016.  “’I has seen Image Macros!’ Advice Animals memes as visual-verbal jokes. International Journal of Communication 10: 660-688.


Dynel, M. 2016. Pejoration via sarcastic irony and sarcasm.” Rita Finkenbeiner, Jörg Meibauer, Heike Wiese (eds). Pejoration. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 219-239.


Dynel, M. 2015. Intention to deceive, bald-faced lies, and deceptive implicature: Insights into Lying at the semantics-pragmatics interface.” Intercultural Pragmatics 12: 309-332. 


Dynel, M. 2015. The landscape of impoliteness research.” Journal of Politeness Research 11: 329-354.


Chovanec, Jan & M. Dynel. 2015. Researching interactional forms and participant structures in public and social media.” Marta Dynel, Jan Chovanec (eds). Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-23.


Dynel, M. 2015. Impoliteness in the service of verisimilitude in film interaction.” Marta Dynel, Jan Chovanec (eds). Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 157-182.


Dynel, M. 2014. Współczesny polski humor polityczny.” Dorota Brzozowska, Władysław Chłopicki (ed.). Humor Polski. Kraków: Tertium.


Dynel, M. 2014. Polska komedia filmowa.” Dorota Brzozowska, Władysław Chłopicki (ed.). Humor Polski. Kraków: Tertium.


Dynel, M. 2014. Participation framework underlying YouTube interaction.” Journal of Pragmatics 73: 37-52.


Dynel, M. 2014. A survey of “Intercultural Pragmatics” and its outlook on the Gricean philosophy of communication.” International Review of Pragmatics 6: 307-319. 


Dynel, M. 2014. On the part of ratified participants: Ratified listeners in multi-party interaction.” Brno Studies in English 40: 27-44.


Dynel, M. 2014. Isn’t it ironic? Defining the scope of humorous irony.” HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 27: 619-639.


Dynel, M. 2014. Linguistic approaches to (non)humorous irony.” HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 27: 537-550.


Dynel, M. 2013. Irony from a neo-Gricean perspective: On untruthfulness and evaluative implicature.” Intercultural Pragmatics 10: 403-431.


Dynel, M. 2013. A view on humour theory.” Marta Dynel (ed.). Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, vii-xiv.


Dynel, M. 2013. “When does irony tickle the hearer? Towards capturing the characteristics of humorous irony.” Marta Dynel (ed.). Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 298-320.


Dynel, M. 2013. “Impoliteness as disaffiliative humour in film talk.” Marta Dynel (ed.). Developments in Linguistic Humour Theory. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 105-144.


Dynel, M. 2013. “On impoliteness and drama discourse: An interview with Jonathan Culpeper.” International Review of Pragmatics 5.1: 162-187.


Dynel, M. 2013. “Being cooperatively impolite: Grice’s model in the context of (im)politeness theories.” Istvan Kecskes, Jesus Romero-Trillo (eds). Research Trends in Intercultural Pragmatics. Mouton Series of Pragmatics. Mouton de Gruyter, 55-83.


Dynel, M. 2013 . “Humorous phenomena in dramatic discourse.” The European Journal of Humor Research 1: 22-60.


Dynel, M. 2012. “Swearing methodologically. The impoliteness of expletives in anonymous commentaries on YouTube.” Journal of English Studies 10: 25-50. 


Dynel, M. 2012. “Setting our House in order: The workings of impoliteness in multi-party film discourse.” Journal of Politeness Research 8: 161-194.


Dynel, M. 2012. “Garden-paths, red lights and crossroads: On finding our way to understanding the cognitive mechanisms underlying jokes.” Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal 1: 6-28.


Dynel, M. 2012. “Humour on the House: Interactional construction of metaphor in film discourse.” Jan Chovanec, Isabel Ermida (eds). Language and Humour in the Media. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 83-106.


Dynel, M. 2012. “What RT cannot do, IR can – On the incremental interpretation of jokes in (non)relevance-theoretic terms.” Ewa Wałaszewska, Agnieszka Piskorska (eds). Relevance: More than Understanding. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 147-166.


Dynel, M. 2012. “Polish film comedies.” Dorota Brzozowska, Władysław Chłopicki (eds). Polish Humor. Kraków: Tertium, 241-256.


Dynel, M. 2012. “Contemporary political humour.” Dorota Brzozowska, Władysław Chłopicki (eds). Polish Humor. Kraków: Tertium, 437-450.


Dynel, M. 2011. “A web of deceit: A neo-Gricean view on types of verbal deception.” International Review of Pragmatics 3.2: 137-165.


Dynel, M. 2011. “‘You talking to me?’ The viewer as a ratified listener to film discourse.” Journal of Pragmatics 43: 1628-1644.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Turning speaker meaning on its head: Non-verbal communication and intended meanings.” Pragmatics and Cognition 3: 422-447.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Blending the incongruity-resolution model and the conceptual integration theory: The case of blends in pictorial advertising.” International Review of Pragmatics 3.1: 59-83.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Revisiting Goffman’s postulates on participant statuses in verbal interaction.” Language and Linguistics Compass. Sociolinguistics 5/7: 454-465.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Stranger than fiction. A few methodological notes on linguistic research in film discourse.” Brno Studies in English 37.1: 41-61.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Two communicative levels and twofold illocutionary force in televised political debates.” Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 47(2): 283-307.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Entertaining and enraging: The functions of verbal violence in broadcast political debates.” Villy Tsakona, Diana Popa (eds). Studies in Political Humour. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 109-133.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Pragmatics and linguistic research into humour.” Marta Dynel (ed.) The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-15. 


Dynel, M. 2011. “Joker in the pack: Towards determining the status of humorous framing in conversations.” Marta Dynel (ed.). The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 217-241.


Dynel, M. 2011. “I’ll be there for you: On participation-based sitcom humour.” Marta Dynel (ed.). The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 311-333.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Like, totally… an unleashed monster? – Dylan Moran’s performance in 'Monster’ and 'Like, Totally…’.” Katarzyna Poloczek, Marta Goszczyńska (eds). Re-Imagining Ireland. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 153-164.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Women who swear and men who fret: The subversive construction of genders in films: A case study of 'Lejdis’ and 'Testosteron’.” Gonerko-Frej et al. (eds). Us and Them – Them and Us: Constructions of the Other in Cultural Stereotypes – Perceptions, Challenges, Meanings. Shaker Verlag, 431-456.


Dynel, M. 2011. “Żarty na bok: Kognitywne mechanizmy w dowcipach.” Alina Kwiatkowska (ed.) Przestrzenie Kognitywnych Poszukiwań. Łódź: WUŁ, 123-138.


Dynel, M. 2010. “On ‘Revolutionary Road’: A proposal for extending the Gricean model of communication to cover multiple hearers.” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 6.2: 283-304.


Dynel, M. 2010. “W ramach dyskursu filmowego: O procesach inferencyjnych widza.” Piotr P. Chruszczewski, Stanisław Prędota. Polish Academy od Sciences Wrocław Branch, Philology Vol. II/Prace Komisji Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu II, 243-258.


Dynel, M. 2010. “How do puns bear relevance?” Marta Kisielewska-Krysiuk, Agnieszka Piskorska, Ewa Wałaszewska (eds). Relevance Studies in Poland Vol. 3. Exploring Translation and Communication Problems. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 105-124.


Dynel, M. 2010. “Making “Friends” globally: Comprehension of cultural references depending on their denotations and connotations.” Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Hanna Pułaczewska (eds). Intercultural Europe: Arenas of Difference, Communication and Mediation. Stuttgart: Ibidem, 371-388.


Dynel, M. 2010. “First things first: Determining factors and strategies in the translation of film titles.” Łukasz Bogucki, Krzysztof Kredens (eds). Perspectives in Audiovisual Translation, Łódź Studies in Language 20. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 197-204.


Dynel, M. 2010. “Not hearing things – Hearer/listener categories in polylogues.” mediAzioni 9.


Dynel, M. 2010. “It’s not easy to get a joke: cultural schemata and the comprehension of political jokes.” Alina Kwiatkowska and Sylwia Dżereń-Głowacka (eds). Shades of Humour 2, 27-38.


Dynel, M. 2010. “Kalambury w sloganach reklamowych.” Anna Ginter (ed.). Problemy Semantyki i Stylistyki Tekstu. Łódź: Łódź University Press, 365-363.


Dynel, M. 2010. “Znaczenie wyrazistości w humorze opartym na ‘mechanizmie ślepej uliczki’.” Joanna Nijakowska (ed.). Interdyscyplinarne Studia nad Świadomością i Przetwarzaniem Językowym. Kraków: Tertium, 194-214.


Dynel, M. 2010. “Friend or foe? Chandler’s humour from the metarecipient’s perspective.” Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka (ed.). Pragmatic Perspectives on Language and Linguistics 2009. Vol.II: Pragmatics of Semantically Restricted Domains. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 175-205.


Dynel, M. 2009. “Where cooperation meets politeness: Revisiting politeness models in view of the Gricean framework.” Brno Studies in English 35: 23-43.


Dynel, M. 2009. “Metaphor is a birthday cake: Metaphor as the source of humour.” 17/2009: 27-48.


Dynel, M. 2009. “Beyond a joke: Types of conversational humour.” Language and Linguistics Compass. Semantics and Pragmatics 3: 1284-1299.


Dynel, M. 2009. “Add humour to your ad: Humour in advertising slogans.” Marta Dynel (ed.). Advances in Discourse Approaches. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 201-225.


Dynel, M. 2008. “Lost in translation? To what extent is linguistic humour translatable: the case of conversational humour in English and Polish.” Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Marcel Thelen (eds). Translation and Meaning 8. Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht, 43-54.


Dynel, M. 2008. “A good pun is its own reword: Paronomasia in conversational humour.” Alina Kwiatkowska, Sylwia Dżereń-Głowacka (eds). Shades of Humour. Piotrków Trybunalski: Naukowe Wydawnictwo Piotrkowskie, 47-56.


Dynel, M. 2008. “Introduction: A modest attempt at presenting contemporary linguistic approaches to humour studies.” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4.1: 1-12.


Dynel, M. 2008. “There is method in the humorous speaker’s madness: Humour and Grice’s model.” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4.1: 159-185. 


Dynel, M. 2008. “No aggression, only teasing: The pragmatics of teasing and banter.” Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4.2: 241-261.


Dynel, M. 2008. Wittiness in the visual rhetoric of advertising.” Ewa Wałaszewska, Marta Kisielewska-Krysiuk, Aniela Korzeniowska, Malgorzata Grzegorzewska (eds.). Relevant Worlds: Current Perspectives on Language, Translation and Relevance Theory. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 48-66.


Dynel, M. 2007. Nie wszystkie tłumaczenia zostały stworzone równymi. – Techniki tłumaczenia elementów kulturowych na przykładzie humoru konwersacyjnego w języku angielskim i polskim.” Język a Komunikacja 18: Współczesne Kierunki Analiz Przekładowych. Kraków: Tertium, 159-170.


Dynel, M. 2007. Joking aside: Sociopragmatic functions of conversational humour in interpersonal communication.” Piotr Cap, Joanna Nijakowska (eds). Current Trends in Pragmatics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 245-267.


Dynel, M. 2005. “I feel like James Bond: The analysis of unconventional compliments.” Piotr Cap (ed.). Pragmatics Today. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 441-466.


Book reviews


Dynel, M. 2023. Chris Heffer. All Bullshit and Lies? Insincerity, Irresponsibility, and the Judgment of Truthfulness. Discourse & Society.


Dynel, M. 2019. Camilla Vásquez. Language Creativity and Humor Online. Language in Society.

Dynel, M. 2019. Michele Zappavigna, Searchable Talk: Hashtags and Social Media Metadiscourse. Journal of Pragmatics.


Dynel, M. 2018. Angeliki Athanasiadou, Herbert L. Colston. Irony in Language Use and Communication. Journal of Pragmatics 135: 4-7.


Dynel, M. 2014. Salvatore Attaro et al., Prosody and Humor. The ISHS Newsletter.


Dynel, M. 2013. Debra Aarons, Jokes and the Linguistic Mind; Andrew Goatly, Meaning and Humour. Journal of Pragmatics 47: 131-133.


Dynel, M. 2011. Edda Weigand, Dialogue Studies Series. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7.1.


Dynel, M. 2011. Kay Richardson, Television Dramatic Dialogue. A Sociolinguistic Study. Language in Society 40.4.


Dynel, M. 2010. Neal Norrick, Delia Chiaro, Humor in Interaction. Brno Studies in English 36.1: 213-220.


Dynel, M. 2009. Victor Raskin, The Primer of Humor Research. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5.2: 305-316.


Dynel, M. 2009. Joan Cutting, Pragmatics and Discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 41: 1074-1078.


Dynel, M. 2008. Patrick Griffiths, An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics; Alan Cruse, A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics. Journal of Pragmatics 40: 173-177.


Dynel, M. 2008. Louise Mullany, Gendered Discourse in the Professional Workplace. Journal of Pragmatics 40: 1620-1625.


Dynel, M. 2007. Diana Popa, Salvatore Attardo, New Approaches to the Linguistics of Humour. Journal of Pragmatics 39: 2345-2354.


Dynel, M. 2007. Rachel Giora, On Our Mind: Salience, Context and Figurative Language. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 3: 223-233.


Dynel, M. 2007. Paul Simpson, Stylistics: A Resource Book for Students; Elizabeth Black, Pragmatic Stylistics. Journal of Pragmatics 39: 617-623.


Dynel, M. 2007. Alan Partington, The Linguistics of Laughter. A Corpus-assisted Study of Laughter-talk. Journal of Pragmatics 39: 1870-1878.